Roel Meelkop (1963) studied visual arts and art theory at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
During a post-graduate course at the same academy he decided to dedicate his work to sound and music. His musical activities date back to the early eighties when he started THU20, together with Jac van Bussel, Peter Duimelinks, Jos Smolders and Guido Doesborg. THU20 have released several tapes and CD's and performed regularly in Europe.
The working method of THU20 included many discussions about how to compose and why. This period was crucial in forming his ideas and concepts about sound and how to organise it, but it was not until the mid nineties that he was able to fully realise these ideas. The purchase of a sampler and later a computer radically changed his possibilities of working with sound, offering infinitely more control and freedom.
Since then he has worked steadily on a body of work, most of which was recieved enthusiastically in the small but dedicated world of sound art. His other activities include working with Kapotte Muziek and GOEM, together with Frans de Waard and Peter Duimelinks, and organising sound events, mostly in Rotterdam.
Aside from releases, Meelkop also creates site-specific sound installations and performance pieces in collaboration with other artists.
In the last couple of years, Meelkop has focussed on solo works in composition and installation work. A new project with Frans de Waard called Zèbra has also taken up some well spent time.



26-7-1963 Born in Tegelen, The Netherlands

1986-1990 Willem de Kooning Academy for the Arts, Rotterdam, NL
1995-1997 Willem de Kooning Centre for Advanced Studies in Art and Art Philosophy, Rotterdam, NL
1995-1996 Grant from Fonds voor de Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam, NL
1998 Grant from the Centre for Visual Arts (CBK), Rotterdam, NL
2003 Grant from the Centre for Visual Arts (CBK), Rotterdam, NL


1984-1986 Member of several experimental music groups
Musical soloproject Happy Halloween
1986-1995 Music / audio art project Mailcop
1986-now Member of audio art collective THU20
1989-1996 Member of artists initiative ExpoHenk, Rotterdam, NL
Organisation of several exhibitions for ExpoHenk
1995-now Solo projects under own name
Joins electro-acoustic live project Kapotte Muziek
1997 Co-organisation of ‘Performing on the Edge’ festival, Rotterdam, NL
1997-now Musical collaboration with Frans de Waard: GOEM (Peter Duimelinks joins later the same year)
1998 Organisation of audio art exhibition just about now in Villa Alckmaer, Rotterdam, NL
Co-founder of ‘’, record label and organisation for the promotion of experimental music and audio art
1998-now Reviewer of Vital Weekly Magazine, an email magazine for new experimental music
1999 Solo music project slo-fi
2000 Curator and organiser of just about now in TENT.CBK, Rotterdam, NL
2000-now Programmer of live audio events at TENT. CBK, Rotterdam, NL
2001-2003 Programmer of electronic music at WORM, Rotterdam, NL
2003 Co-curator of -stat.ic (part of the International Film Festival Rotterdam), TENT.CBK, Rotterdam, NL
2005 Musical collaboration with Frans de Waard: Zèbra


2008 Commison for new work for headphones by Australian curator Salvatore Panatteri.
Lecture at Theremin Centre, Moscow, RUS
2004 Invariants under transformation, performance/installation with Sato Endo. Performed during Dans @ Tack, Kortrijk, B and Het Archief, Den Haag, NL.
2003 HARAMU/Drempel, theatre/dance/voice collaboration performance/installation with Sato Endo & Kim Zieschang. Performed in Las Palmas, Rotterdam, NL.
Commission by International Film Festival Rotterdam for 'Ghost Tracks', 8 short audio tracks, to be played before and after screenings in the -stat.ic programme.
2002 Soundtrack for the dance performance [FROESJíO] by Reinier Schimmel and Patrizia Semperboni.
2001 Sound-dance performance ‘Peninsulae’ with Peter Duimelinks, Nina Hitz, Christina Gehrig Binder and Ruby Edelman.
2000 Soundtrack (with Peter Duimelinks and Nina Hitz) for dance performance ‘Peninsula 43a’ by Christina Gehrig Binder and Ruby Edelman.
Collaboration with choreographer Reinier Schimmel for sound-dance performance IN (T)HERE.
1999 Soundtrack for the dance performance ‘Ladadi Ladadie’ by Reinier Schimmel and Patrizia Semperboni.
Soundtrack for the dance performance “pagim” by Penina Schupper.
1998 Soundtrack for the dance performance “no-ani” by Penina Schupper.